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李春举教授在Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 上发表VIP研究论文
2019-10-08 10:01  

EfficientSeparation of cis-and trans-1,2-DichloroetheneIsomers by AdaptiveBiphen[3]areneCrystals


Yiliang Wang+,a Kaidi Xu+,a,bBin Li,a,b Lei Cui,a Jian Li,a Xueshun Jia,aHongbin Zhao,a Jianhui Fang,a and Chunju Li(李春举)*a,b


aSchoolof Materials Science and Engineering, Center for Supra-molecular Chemistry andCatalysis and Department of Chemistry Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444 (P. R.China)

bCollegeof Chemistry, Key Laboratory of Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Functional Material Chemistry,Ministry of Education, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Structure and Performance forFunctional Molecules, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, People’s Republicof China


Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.2019, 58, 10281 –10284.


Abstract: Reported here is the highly efficientseparation of industrially important cisand trans1,2dichloroethene (cisDCE and transDCE)isomers by activated crystalline 2,2′,4,4′tetramethoxylbiphen[3]arene (MeBP3) materials, MeBP3α. MeBP3 can be synthesized in excellentyield (99 %), and a cyclicpentamer is also obtained when using 1,2dichloroethaneas the solvent. The structure of MeBP3 in the CH3CN@MeBP3 crystaldisplays a triangleshape topology, forming 1D channels throughwindowtowindow packing.Desolvated crystalline MeBP3 materials, MeBP3α, preferentially adsorb cisDCE vapors over its trans isomer. MeBP3α isable to separate cisDCE from a 50:50(v/v) cis/transisomer mixture,yielding cisDCE with a purity of96.4 % in a singleadsorption cycle. Singlecrystal structuresand powder Xray diffraction patterns indicate that theuptake of cisDCE triggers a solidstate structural transformation of MeBP3, suggesting the adaptivityof MeBP3α materials during the sorption process. Moreover, the separation canbe performed over multiple cycles without loss of separation selectivity andcapacity.




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